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Saturday 5 June 2021

The Big (Soft) Re-launch

After what must be a record-long period of procrastination (9 Years!) I have finally (low-key) relaunched the blog, rebranding from TEZofAllTrades.blogspot to!

Relaunching the site was always a daunting task, so much so, that I never actually got around to it when I should have. My work/life balance was messed up and I was under an unhealthy level of stress. Luckily, I've had time to reflect and get back to my creative roots.

During lockdown, I've had time to work on my art and my music, and after finishing my first novel, I knew it was time to give my blog another chance. However, out of fear that history would repeat itself, I decided to skip the big launch plans, and opt for a soft launch, to ensure I followed through this time.

Therefore, the new site is now live and finally looks the way I want (in Firefox), but I've just learnt that it's messed up in other browsers. So, the pressure is on. I've got to either fix the 9 year old Internet Explorer optimised "new" look, or scrap it and start yet again. I've also got plenty of links to fix now that the new domain is active.

I've got lots of ideas for posts, but for now I'm focusing on getting everything setup just right. Until then, I won't be promoting the site, so if you're reading this message, thanks and stay tuned!

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